From my current year 2013 student,Tok K.Y
(Secondary 1 Normal Academic, CCHS or Chung Cheng High School,Yishun )
Promoted to Secondary 2 Express Next Year2014
- Scored Total 702/1000 & Percentage: 70.2%
- See her result in Semester 2 (final year) & Term 1 in 2013
Tok K.Y 's comments:
Mr Woo has helped me a lot in my studies especially in English, Maths & Science since last year 2012.
I am very glad to share with him the news that I am promoted to Sec2 Express in next year 2014 with his great help in tuition and clear explanations. He has motivated me with his effective methods & deep teaching knowledge in above three subjects.
I, well as with two of my siblings, am having tuition with him for two years since last year for my PSLE in 2012.Used to do badly in Maths & English.
I improve tremendously from time to time for all above mentioned three subjects from 'D' grade to 'B' & 'A'.
We enjoy studying & learning with him! Like to say a big thank to you, Mr Woo!
When Tok K.Y's mum sought my advise on 18 Oct 2013
if she can handle if going to Sec2 Express next year,
Here is my comments for her:
Let your talents & study 'shines' if any opportunity is given. Everybody has an equal chance to do well like anybody.
Received a SMS from tuition parent this morning that her sec1 daughter from CCHS has a seat in Express based on her remarkable result this year!
My opinion given to her final decision is let her shine without any second thought.
My Secondary 2 tuition (twin) students got special academic awards, scholarship on Pei Hwa Secondary School's stage in year 2012.
I am very proud of them & their performance:)
Both boys were previously from Rosyth School in Serangoon & they have been with me for tuition since doing their PSLE in 2011. Both are initially weak in Primary English and they started tuitions with me in Dec school holiday to brush up their English as they are foreigners from Thai. Both are very determined & very eager to learn new methods in Maths & English/Science knowledge & improve themselves when tuition with me.
Twin boys from Sec 2 from Pei Hwa Secondary School.
Well deserved for their hard work & efforts!
Twin's Parent is very comfortable with my teaching methods & she believes that I can help the boys in
the long run before their 'O'. Both boys will be choosing Secondary 3 streaming(Triple Science Class) next year. One twin is in Sec 2 Express and the other is Sec 2 NA and they realise the importance to build good lower Secondary School foundation in Maths & Science before reaching Sec 3 & Sec4 crucial examination like 'O' Level & 'N' Level.
See what the parent/mum of the twins commented over whatapps to me when their Sec2 Semestral 2 results were released! I can feel the happiness in her words. I hope you can feel too when your children are doing well like the twin boys!
Q.C is one of my average tuition students from neighbourhood school
but he has shown significantly good result
from his study & tuition each year from his Secondary 2 till JC1 with me now. Q.C joined me 3 years back to improve his English,Maths & Science.He is not confident in doing English Composition writing & he had difficulties answering those comprehension question.They appeared hard to be understood from question & its significance.He has strong interests since Secondary 1 Express but he don enjoy practising Maths & his lower Secondary Maths foundations are not strong. With my consistent coaching & concept explanation,he seemed to enjoy trying out tough questions.Slowly,I do bring him to do Sec3 Maths Papers from different school.With hard efforts & good practices,he began to like Maths & manage to work out more question on his own. He has strong will to solve them out with right formulaes & some in more variations. Towards Sec 4 Prelim & "O" Level,he showed good improvements in both Maths with A1 distinctions & both B3 for both Pure Science. He is now at Meriden JC!
His past record book in Bartley Secondary School.
His Secondary 3 Express CA2 & SA2 final result in Oct2011
He managed to score both A1 & A2 distinctions in both E.Maths & A.Maths respectively. You may look at his Pure Science with good distinction in A2 for Chemistry & a good pass
with B3 for Physics.
Good effort, QC!
His Secondary 3 Express CA1 & SA1result in May 2011