Thursday, 23 January 2014

EDUSAVE SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDS. (dated 12/01/2014) 

The awards are given each year to maximise and equalize educational
opportunities for all Singaporeans and to motivate students to excel.

The following are the different types of Edusave Scholarships and Awards.


Edusave Scholarships for Secondary Schools(ESSS) : $500
     + Top 10% of each level and stream
     + Overall Mark is more than or equal to 50%
     + Good Conduct
     + Singapore Citizen.

Edusave Merit Bursary (EMB) : $350

     + Within top 25% of each level and stream and not a recipient
        of any Edusave Scholarships
     + Overall Mark that is more than or equal to 50%
     + Singapore Citizen
     + Gross monthly household income below $4000.

Good Progress Award (GPA) : $200

     + Maximum of 10% of pupils in each level and stream in every school
     + Overall Mark >= 50%
     + Good Conduct
     + Singapore Citizen

EAGLES Award (non-academic): $350
     + Maximum of 10% of Singaporean students in every school
     + Overall Mark >= 50%
     + Good Conduct
     + Singapore Citizen
     + Citeria on leadership, Achievement or Services

Edusave Character Award(ECHA): $500

     + Maximum quota capped at 2% of the enrichment of Singaporean Students for each school
     + Students who demonstrate exemplary character and outstanding personal quantities through their
        behaviour and actions


My Secondary 2 tuition student,JJ from Presbyterian High School got two Edusave awards.
One is Edusave Character Award 2013 and other is Edusave Good Progress Award 2013!
He is currently having tuition with me on Secondary 3 Maths & Science this year 2014 as well.
Congrats for his both achievement!

He was so happy to receive these in his mailboxes for voucher & awards collection! Smile:)

JJ's sister in my group tuition last time 2013 is doing very well for proceed with her O level Sec5 this year.She got Edusave Scholarship 2013 for voucher of $500. Congrats for her achievements!
And was top 10% from her N level batch last year:) 



Tuesday, 14 January 2014

O level 2014 result was released on Mon,13 Jan 2014!

Over the years for O Level Examination,

this year happened to obtain the higher percentage of passes(more than 80%)

or in other words,greatest number of students passing this examination to go further education in

tertiary schools like JC, Polytechnics & ITE according to MOE.

Congrats to all of you if taking O Level this year and like to highlight a couple
of my potential "O"tuition students this year from last year O level 2013 examinations
with their results & their efforts.

Like to mention two of my outstanding students out of 15 students that year.
I do not wish to disclose their names but to show & motivate some newly joined or existing junior students from their excellent result, tuition subject with me & great improvement they had made.
I am very proud of them and happy to see them eligible for JC entry.

I named her my first student,Dina and she has been having tuition with me since her Sec2 in Yio Chu Kang Sec Sch in year 2011.I taught her all 5 subjects, namely English, E.Maths, A.Maths & two Pure Sciences,Physics & Chemistry in her O level in year2012. She first joined me with his elder brother who is one year older than me and both of them need extreme help for English Comprehension,Maths & Science. Though Dina is from neighbouring school (Yio Chu Kang Sec School), she is humble in learning & willingly to spend quality tuition with me over twice a week basis,for each session of 1.5hours.

Her O Level result in year 2014:
(Congrats on her determination & efforts to do her very best!)

Her SA1 School Results in year2013:
(She is devoted & very committed in her studies.
She had practised writing compositions & I did tell her the fastest ways to do well is looking at those good composition from her classmates or even from some of my Sec 4 tuition students. We went through model & favourite exam compositions from past years,etc last year 2012 & previous! )

Her SA2 School Results:
(I did impart some methods on checking on A.Maths to ensure after working & efforts to ensure her that those answers are right before proceed. We also walked through those of her weakest topics in A.Maths like Integration Applications like Kinematics or Trigonometry graphs or modulus.
Through those detailed explanations & modeling, she appeared more confident & I had switched her to try harder questions from other top ten school Preliminary papers like Chung Cheng High, Catholic High,Dunman High,Cresent Girls School,CHIJ,Anglican High & others.
She needed to expose herself to different sets of test paper to know how well her concepts is by practising them on her own & naming those hard-to-solve questions out to me during tuitions. I tried to present them out to her on those tough stages or those portion that needs more explanations)



I name this student as student E not because all his grades are E but his Christian name begins with Letter E. He is a bright student & heed my tutoring advice in my last impression and end of the day he scored all As & Bs in his O level result slip in year2014.That should make him a brainy guy to illustrate any further. He had taken A.Maths & English in my home tuition at Bedok. There is such saying every bravery act or hero has a "hard-life" story behind! 

His story & his new academic life in year 2014:
Last year,his mum & elder bro came to request me for last minute tuition for him. They desperately seek my tuition advice & requested if I can help student E to obtain a pass in his O Level English. I got a D7 for his Sec 4 Preliminary Exam at Hai Sing Catholic School. At first, I was hesitant to help not because it was 1 month away from actual O Level and at that point,all my schedule are taken for existing N & O students last year. As his brother C is my existing tuition students & I promised to come to his house after his brother C's tuition like back to back tuition basis.
To be frank, I am strict to him as his brother C is so different to him.In my impression, he is very lazy & his handwriting is the worst that I ever see in my whole life in tutoring.I had basic problem reading & marking his sentences in compositions.Before starting lecturing him,I asked if he or his bro C to see if anyone can read this handwriting! He was so ashamed at the point but he still had good cheeks to show more past compositions from his school or bad comments from his English teacher on his handwriting or incomplete marking for him! Neither is his grade "presentable" to him or anyone with both efforts or handwriting. I am really at great loss to help him almost on every marking paper! I believe with hard efforts from student's practices and his handling for good methods,he can make a good difference in his grades for those weaker subjects. I never give up on him & led him with interest to look at how other students' compositions to reflect him.  

Student E's O Level Result for this year2014:


'N' Level result from my 2013 student, JM! 

She is now in Secondary 5(Canberra Sec School)with me 
on Combined Science & Elementary Maths tuition for preparation in O Level this year 2014.
She improved over months to lift her Combined Science,Physics & Chemistry for A2 Distinctions. The most important portion of tuition is she gains confident in both subjects & she is able to solve more problem independently.


Thursday, 24 October 2013

My devoted thoughts & greatest appreciation to STUDENTS & PARENTS on Teacher's Day 2013

                                                             GIFTS & THOUGHTS !

To me,gift & chocolate from student is a token of appreciation & most important of my teaching return,is any of my tuition students ran up to me & said that I have helped them eventually in the tuition.
From my tutor's point of view,there are two greatest motivations to let me move on: 1) 'Altruistic'
(Refers to having the desire to help others) and (2) 'Intrinsic'(Refers to having a strong interest in teaching profession)

Never a late gift on 8Sept in my heart!
Teacher's Day Gift from my both outstanding students,TH & TN ! ~Mr Woo

This is a special tuition student to me & he is more or less than like my sibling to me.He walked through different learning difficulty & exam fears with me & this is the fourth year with me.I cant promise you good result but I will motivate & provide you different methods of learning.All by your good effort & passion in subjects.Hope u can continue to step one level up,C.W ! 

Primary English, Maths & Science Group Tuition by LAST MINUTE SPECIALIST interviewed by THE STRAITS TIMES on 3 Oct 2011

Top 10 Study Problems & most Singapore weak/average students faced:

  For Primary Level 1 to 3,it is very important to set good foundations to meet upper primary to 
        perform well for p5 & critical exam like P6 PSLE to go next education stage/new Secondary School. 

To most parents who are busy with hectic work schedule or impatient to teach their own kids, tuition is necessary & quality learning time ought to be coached by home personal tutor or professional educator in small group

Language like English is 1st important communication language & similarly for Mother Tongue as second option to your own race & culture,is equally important to communicate & well understand among own races & people. Both should be learned well & effectively as early as in childhood stage  

I have came across my primary schools tuition students(Etc P4 to P6) are facing daily homework to complete from worksheets.And most students & parents are pressured from long & tough Maths questions to be solved soon & have to learn the ropes/methods in no time!

As a full-time tutor & based on my past & current 10 years's tutoring experience, p3 to p5 students should nurture good concepts to learn & solve them with different intensive levels before reaching their PSLE. Tutors are the best coaching persons with strong materials or via tough revision books on the shelves from Popular Bookstore 

Some students work well with their favourite subjects.Then how to improve subjects you do not favour too much? Patient & tackful tutor can make miracle with interesting ways or picture methods

If students who do not like Primary Science,best way is to sign up group tuitions that opened for more discussions to increase more communication or share more Science from others in a small group

Practice makes perfect! It applies most to subjects like Maths in progressive ways & in level of intensive mode. Additional Maths is most challenging when students attempted questions from various big topics & based on yearly exam(etc Ten years series or TYS)

Tuition is a form of study assurance within most parents or students to stay competitive & to climb further up whether you are in Primary Level or Junior College Level. Learning is a endless ladder/path in Singapore. Risk to fail or ignorance to mistakes will be reduced when in good hands of most effective tutors.

As Singapore is a developed country that topped in Technology & Science along many years, I totally agree that a person who do well in Maths & Science, enjoys the most in a long run in term of passion when moving into practical career.
Need to polish your higher educational level like Upper Secondary for critical 'N' & 'O' level to make entry to new field of interest or specialization to work into Junior Colleges(JC),Polytechnics or Institute of Education(ITE) 

Why Mr Woo's tuition? 

* Patient & consistent in teaching & learning.

* I believe everyone is different in his best ways & he/she shall allow to 'shine' in any learning opportunity & grab 
chance to self-improve in study/education.

*Passion in communicating with children,teenagers,youths & adult students.

*Very economical & cost effective in his tuition.

*Choice of tuition preference in individual or group basis.

Primary School Group Tuition Rates & Schedule 

Tutor's Profile:

- He wins a title of 'Last minute Tutor' on Home Columns,Straits Times as at 3 Oct2011
- Devoted to teach students from different backgrounds & level of weakness in study.  
- Degree in Computer Science in 2011 from Singapore Institute of Management
- Diploma in Electronics,Computer & Communication from Singapore Polytechnic

For teachers:
"If you light a lamp for somebody,
it will also brighten your path". ~A Buddhist saying.

For helping hands:
"When you are kind to others,it not only changes you - it changes the world.

For People of Substance:
Prophet Mohammad says,"A man's true worth is the good he does in the world! 

For beyond duty's call:
"You must be the change you want to see the world",said Mahatma Gandhi

For first & second chances:
"When there is a human being there is a chance for kindness." ~Seneca

Generous Gestures:
"We make a living by what we get,we make a life by what we give." ~Winston Churchill.

(A Second Harvest of Kindness Stories)
~Marc Woo

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Testimonals from Secondary 1 & 2 students this year 2013

From my current year 2013 student,Tok K.Y
(Secondary 1 Normal Academic, CCHS or Chung Cheng High School,Yishun )

Promoted to Secondary 2 Express Next Year2014
- Scored Total 702/1000 & Percentage: 70.2%
- See her result in Semester 2 (final year) & Term 1 in 2013

Tok K.Y 's comments:

Mr Woo has helped me a lot in my studies especially in English, Maths & Science since last year 2012.
I am very glad to share with him the news that I am promoted to Sec2 Express in next year 2014 with his great help in tuition and clear explanations. He has motivated me with his effective methods & deep teaching knowledge in above three subjects.

I, well as with two of my siblings, am having tuition with him for two years since last year for my PSLE in 2012.Used to do badly in Maths & English.
I improve tremendously from time to time for all above mentioned three subjects from 'D' grade to 'B' & 'A'.

We enjoy studying & learning with him! Like to say a big thank to you, Mr Woo!

When Tok K.Y's mum sought my advise on 18 Oct 2013
if she can handle if going to Sec2 Express next year,

Here is my comments for her:

Let your talents & study 'shines' if any opportunity is given. Everybody has an equal chance to do well like anybody.

Received a SMS from tuition parent this morning that her sec1 daughter from CCHS has a seat in Express based on her remarkable result this year! 

My opinion given to her final decision is let her shine without any second thought.


My Secondary 2 tuition (twin) students got special academic awards, scholarship on Pei Hwa Secondary School's stage in year 2012.

I am very proud of them & their performance:)


Both boys were previously from Rosyth School in Serangoon & they have been with me for tuition since doing their PSLE in 2011. Both are initially weak in Primary English and they started tuitions with me in Dec school holiday to brush up their English as they are foreigners from Thai. Both are very determined & very eager to learn new methods in Maths & English/Science knowledge & improve themselves when tuition with me.

Twin boys from Sec 2 from Pei Hwa Secondary School.
Well deserved for their hard work & efforts!

Twin's Parent is very comfortable with my teaching methods & she believes that I can help the boys in  
the long run before their 'O'. Both boys will be choosing Secondary 3 streaming(Triple Science Class) next year. One twin is in Sec 2 Express and the other is Sec 2 NA and they realise the importance to build good lower Secondary School foundation in Maths & Science before reaching Sec 3 & Sec4 crucial examination like 'O' Level & 'N' Level.

See what the parent/mum of the twins commented over whatapps to me when their Sec2 Semestral 2 results were released! I can feel the happiness in her words. I hope you can feel too when your children are doing well like the twin boys!    


Q.C is one of my average tuition students from neighbourhood school
but he has shown significantly good result
from his study & tuition each year from his Secondary 2 till JC1 with me now. Q.C joined me 3 years back to improve his English,Maths & Science.He is not confident in doing English Composition writing & he had difficulties answering those comprehension question.They appeared hard to be understood from question & its significance.He has strong interests since Secondary 1 Express but he don enjoy practising Maths & his lower Secondary Maths foundations are not strong. With my consistent coaching & concept explanation,he seemed to enjoy trying out tough questions.Slowly,I do bring him to do Sec3 Maths Papers from different school.With hard efforts & good practices,he began to like Maths & manage to work out more question on his own. He has strong will to solve them out with right formulaes & some in more variations. Towards Sec 4 Prelim & "O" Level,he showed good improvements in both Maths with A1 distinctions & both B3 for both Pure Science. He is now at Meriden JC!

 His past record book in Bartley Secondary School.

His Secondary 3 Express CA2 & SA2 final result in Oct2011
He managed to score both A1 & A2 distinctions in both E.Maths  & A.Maths respectively. You may look at his Pure Science with good distinction in A2 for Chemistry & a good pass 
with B3 for Physics.

Good effort, QC! 
His Secondary 3 Express CA1 & SA1result in May 2011